Search Results for: printable

Truth in the Tinsel: Parent Prayers

As you and your child journey through the Christmas story with Truth in the Tinsel, this simple ebooklet will lead you, as the parent, to pray for your child and their relationship with God. Each day includes a Scripture-filled prayer and journaling space. You will center your heart and prayers on the same theme and subject as the corresponding day of Truth in the Tinsel.

Included in your download, you will receive a digital file for your computer or device. You will also receive a printable version to print at home, fold and use with your Bible and personal devotional time.

This is a digital product. You will receive two PDF documents after payment is complete. Please save to your computer so you can access at anytime. Before purchasing please read our FAQ for step-by-step download instructions, a link to your account and more! As this is a digital file, there are no refunds. 

Printing FAQ

The printable version of Parent Prayers is designed to be printed and folded into a half-page booklet. When printing choose TWO-SIDED or double-sided printing. Make sure it is printing SHORT-EDGE BINDING and not long-edge binding.

An example from my computer:

For detailed instructions on printer settings see the help section of your printer or computer. Or google “how to print double sided on XYZ printer”.

If you cannot print double-sided, printing the full-page EBOOK version in your original download may be your best and most readable option.

Truth in the Tinsel Church Curriculum

Each week of this 4 week series, you will use the following segments to lead kids to find the truth in the tinsel:

Theme Intro: short segment to introduce your main point
Bible Verse: high energy activity that helps kids memorize God’s Word
Bible Story: a creative storytelling technique to teach the real Christmas story
Application: a simple object lesson to help your kids apply God’s Word
Small Group: discussion questions, a prayer prompt and a group activity {including printable “cheat sheets” for your leaders!}
Extras: Christmas movie clip ideas, extension activities and coordinating days to Truth in the Tinsel

This is a digital product. You will receive a PDF after payment is complete. Please see more about the curriculum, including a sample page here!

A Sense of the Resurrection eBook

A Sense of the Resurrection: an Easter Experience for Families uses the five senses to help you and your children discover what the days surround Jesus’ death and resurrection may have been like. Each day, you’ll read a passage of Scripture and then set up a memorial or make a memory to more fully understand the event. Included in the book are printable, coloring flags to help tell the story.

This is an ebook. You will receive a link to download the printable PDF immediately after payment is complete. Please save to your computer so you can access at anytime. Before purchasing please read our FAQ for step-by-step download instructions, a link to your account and more! As this is a digital file, there are no refunds. So, please see a sample page before ordering.

Use our Bulk Pricing and Classroom/Small Group License for large groups.

Truth in the Tinsel BUNDLE

Get the Truth in the Tinsel ebook, our supplemental Printable Ornaments PLUS the fun large-format printable Christmas trees in one bundle for a discounted price.

 This is an ebook. You will receive links to download the printable PDFs immediately after payment is complete. Please save to your computer so you can access at anytime. Before purchasing please read our FAQ for step-by-step download instructions, a link to your account and more! As this is a digital file, there are no refunds. So, please see a sample page before ordering.

More Mini Schedules for Truth in the Tinsel!

truth tinsel mini schedules flat layDecember is a crazy month. Advent activities–especially daily activities can get overwhelming! Included in the Truth in the Tinsel ebook are several alternate schedules, but here’s three more to help your December feel a little lighter! Pick one that works for you!

12 Days of Truth in the Tinsel
I picked twelve of my favorite ornaments that show off the most of the Christmas story!

  1. Light
  2. Mary
  3. Joseph
  4. Jesus’ Name
  5. Bethlehem
  6. Manger
  7. Cloths
  8. Angels
  9. Shepherds
  10. Star
  11. Wisemen
  12. Cross

Days that Include Printable Templates
Just print and go, baby. These are easy peasy crafts that come with a big help from the printable templates included in your ebook!

  1. Light
  2. Mary & Elizabeth
  3. Sun
  4. Shepherds
  5. Temple
  6. Wisemen

Days that have supplies you should be able to find in your house
These crafts are mostly made from recycled materials. And if you don’t have these supplies exactly, you can always scrounge around in a junk drawer or recycle bin to find something that will work! No shopping required.

  1. Kingdom
  2. Zechariah
  3. Gabriel
  4. Bethlehem
  5. Census
  6. Manger
  7. Cloths
  8. Gifts

Have no idea what these lists mean? Don’t worry–grab your own copy of Truth in the Tinsel and get in the know! Download it now for $9.99!

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Top Tips for Hosting a Truth in the Tinsel Swap Party

Thank you for hosting a Truth in the Tinsel Swap Party! I hope this page gives you some practical tips and ideas for planning and executing a fabulous party.

Let’s start with a quick definition of a Swap Party, ok? It’s basically like a Cookie Swap where you bring 4 dozen of one cookie and walk away with 4 dozen different cookies after swapping with the other guests. Instead of cookies, we’ll be swapping craft supplies. Each guest will bring the craft supplies needed for each day’s craft in a little bag, ready to pull out for each day of Truth in the Tinsel. You won’t actually be crafting at the party, you’ll just be bringing all the supplies packaged up so the kids can make them during December! It makes your holiday less stressful and way more fun!

Here’s a link to my past parties and some other posts I’ve written about them:

How To Plan Organize & Rock a Truth in the Tinsel Swap Party (a guest post by my friend Sunny Cote)

Tips for a Truth in the Tinsel Swap Party

2014 Party Recap

2015 Announcement and Invite

2015 Party Recap (+ a fun craft!)

Now, here’s my Top Tips for you…

Sign Up/Registration
There are 2 main ways to have your guests register:

  1. Have interested guests sign up and RSVP by a certain date. The host will then divide up the crafts between the guests and contact the guests with what they are bringing.
  2. Set up an online registration where guests pick the crafts they are bringing.

The positive for assigning the crafts is that there is no confusion on the guests’ part. They just follow the directions and do what they are told.

The positive for letting them sign up is their comfort level of buying and making the craft bags. And it’s less work on your end.

The most important thing about signing up for the party is that you aren’t counting crafts needed by the amount of guests. You are counting crafts needed by amount of CHILDREN the guests have. For example: if you have 10 friends coming to your house and each of them have 2 kids, you will need to prepare enough crafts for 20 kids.

Assigning Crafts
This is where it can get a little confusing. Here’s a few options:

  1. If you have 100 children represented, have each guest make 100 of their assigned day’s craft. (See this here.)
  2. Have each guest bring 24 of their assigned day’s craft PER CHILD. For example, I have two kids, so I’m going to sign up for two sets of 24 crafts. (See this here.)

Again, this is all going to depend on your type of party and the amount of guests. You’ll have to decide what is easiest for you and how it works best for your guests.

Making It Fun
We don’t want guests thinking this is a Thing They Have To Do. Instead, make the party a fun experience! Provide yummy food or host a potluck of everyone’s favorite Christmas snack. Give a little swag to your guests (maybe the Truth in the Tinsel colored print from the pack? or a small Starbucks gift card? or a bottle of glue and ribbon to get them started?). Plan a fun Christmas game or make an easy Christmas craft. Let it feel like a fun night out–not a help-the-teacher night.

Making It Serious
The Swap Party is to help parents get ready to lead their kids to Jesus with the Truth in the Tinsel ebook. Use the Swap Party to help lead those parents to Jesus!

If you are hosting this at your church, ask a pastor or leader to give a devotion about Christmas, parenting or never giving up on doing good.

If you’re hosting this at your house, use our conversation starters to open discussion about Christmas, Advent and Jesus. At the end of the party, grab your crafts or join hands and pray for the children who will experience Jesus this Christmas. Use this time to draw closer to Him!

A Swap Party not only gets families ready for celebrating Christmas, it can also bring mamas (and dads, too!) together with other like-minded families. This can be a time to support each other. Encourage your guests to continue talking through the month–at church, via a private Facebook group or email. Knowing someone else is doing the same things with their kids every day is always a big help!

Final Tidbits

-There are 3 crafts that require food (day 12 has rice, day 15 has flour and salt, day 23 has cinnamon and applesauce). You will need to decide if you want to include those crafts in your sign up or not. In the past, I have eliminated day 15 and 23 because I didn’t want some poor mama to have to measure out tablespoons of cinnamon into little baggies!
-Make sure you have a firm RSVP date so you can guarantee all the crafts assigned.
-Instruct your guests to purchase the Truth in the Tinsel ebook. If they don’t have the book, they won’t have instructions for the crafts, the Bible references or the talking points, printables and extra activities. Point them to


Begin Your Holiday with GIVING

A few days ago I was at my mom’s house and she had a giant pile of Christmas gift catalogs on her couch–all kinds of stores with all kinds of goodies. I was supposed to be doing some work with the kids for school but I stacked those little catalogs up next to me because I sincerely love shopping for Christmas! I don’t love walking through the mall but the hustle and bustle of Christmas is exciting!

How are we supposed to keep that hustle and bustle fun and not turn it into a big crazy greed-fest for us and our kids? Well, the best thing I know is to simply GIVE. To take it a step further, I think it’s important to give first. Let your first act of the holidays be to give in a big and significant way.

Here’s 3 of my favorite give-first activities:

1. Operation Christmas Child

If you’ve been around me for even ten minutes, you’ll know that I adore Operation Christmas Child. If you’re not familiar with this fun organization here’s the skinny—you pack a shoebox full of fun toys, toiletries and school supplies. Then, you add $7 for shipping and drop it off at a a pick-up location. From there, the shoebox is shipped to a Processing Center (just to make sure it’s all OK) and then shipped to poor and marginalized kids around the world.


You can read a plethora of thoughts and emotions I have about Operation Christmas Child (especially lots of stuff about my trip to the Dominican Republic with them) but here’s where as a normal Christian American mom, I love Operation Christmas Child so much–-they help my kids not be greedy.

Every year, we are picking out and buying gifts that my kids would LOVE and they don’t get to keep them. In fact, the opposite seems to happen–they get excited about buying and giving away!

The best part is the National Collection Week for OCC is this week–right before the Christmas crazy starts. It’s the perfect beginning to your holiday celebration. Start your kids off looking into Christmas through a shoebox gift. It will change their heart. It’s changed my family.

2. Sponsored Kids Letters

Do you sponsor a child? We sponsor two kids through Compassion International and it is one of our favorite things we do. Every year, Compassion suggests we send our kids’ families money and we usually do. We also like to send them an actual gift–but since you can’t send big items, we try to figure out fun presents that can fit in an envelope.

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Last year we colored  and laminated a printable Nativity Scene. You can find all kinds of printable gifts and toys online (just search Pinterest!) that fit easily into an envelope.

It’s a simple thing but it can help your kids set a standard for the first Christmas card, the first Christmas gift being for someone else!

And if you don’t sponsor a child yet? It might be the best gift you and your family give this year!

3. Ornaments for Orphans

Are you in charge of decorating a Christmas tree at your church or school? Maybe your office? Instead of stocking up on Target’s latest designs, why not do something that really helps others?

Ornaments for Orphans contracts artists in Uganda to design and create beautiful handmade ornaments. You can order (free of charge!) a box of 100 ornaments to decorate your Christmas tree then, people who pass by can stop and buy an ornament for $10 each. This money goes back to O4O who then pass it on to the artists so they can provide and care for their children. How great is this?

You decorate a tree. Your friends, neighbors, co-workers and passers-by undecorate it for you and kids around the world are protected! Don’t you love it? (And if there happens to be any leftover ornaments–O4O will pay the shipping!)

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We did this at my husband’s CrossFit gym a few years ago and my kids absolutely loved decorating the tree and checking up on it to see how many ornaments had disappeared off the tree.


4 mg a day was my daily dosage of Xanax for four months. I was really worried about getting addicted to it, so asked my doctor if it was safe to get off the drug. He has worked out a scheme for me to reduce the dose gradually. It took me almost a month to stop taking Now I feel fine, and luckily, GAD is controllable now.

This picture is of the woman who  is the head of the widow’s co-op that makes all the stuffed animal ornaments for O4O. The women in this co-op are the sole providers for their families and this work enables them to care for their children. Ornaments for Orphans is actually in the job of orphan prevention because the majority of Ugandan children living in orphanages actually have a living parent or relative. But women have to leave their children at orphanages because they are too poor to feed them. O4O’s work can keep vulnerable families united by providing an opportunity for dignified income. I love it!!



I hope you use one of these great ideas to begin your holiday. I think it’s kind of a “firstfruits” thing like with tithing. When you give to God first, it sorta evens out everything else. If nothing else, put it to the test and see what happens when you give first this Christmas!


Truth in the Tinsel Atlanta Swap Party 2015: The Recap!

It’s been almost a month since we had our Atlanta area Swap Party. Why has it been a month since I’ve written about all the fun we had? Because the DAY OF the Swap Party was also the day we moved out of our house! (You can read more about that here.)

It was by far, one of the most stressful weekends of my life. Even still, the party itself was so fun, the women so encouraging and I left with a full heart that night!

If you’re not familiar with a Truth in the Tinsel Swap Party—think Cookie Exchange, only with craft supplies! We all come with bags of Truth in the Tinsel ornaments ready to make in little baggies. Then we line them all up on a giant table and each take one so we have the supplies for every craft ready to go! (You can read more about how to do your own swap here–there’s a few more helpful details + look at our new Printable Party Pack!)

My main goal in the Swap Party is to give mamas a fun night out with good food, good people AND get their entire Advent celebration organized in just one night! So, the basic order of the night went like this:

First: EAT.

I had the party catered by Zoe’s. If you don’t have Zoe’s in your area, I’m sad. We ate yummy chicken kabobs, rice, hummus, pita and a Greek salad that was so good my daughter took the leftovers to school!

Second: CRAFT

Now, I know a lot of you think you’re not crafty. In fact, Truth in the Tinsel scares a lot of people because it’s craft-heavy. Well, I am a firm believer in anyone-can-craft because the end result is not really the goal. It’s the process.

Anywhoo–tonight’s craft was SO INCREDIBLY easy and it turned about even cuter than I thought it would.

It requires only three supplies.

easy advent calendar copy

Each person needs 24 clothespins, a few colors of washi tape and some cute ribbon or twine. Then, all you do is put a piece of washi tape on the front of clothespin and hang it on the twine!

easiest advent calendar ever

Can you even believe how cute that is??? The washi tapes fits perfectly on the clothespin so there’s no measuring, cutting or messing up!

This is the ideal calendar for the daily clues included in the Truth in the Tinsel ebook because it’s so simple and small. We didn’t have enough clothespins for me to make one, but the kids and I are making one this week. I love it.

TNT swap atl 2

Party Planner Note: My bff, Staci was at the party helping out with this craft and she had a great idea for next year. Instead of having a table set up just for crafts, put all the craft supplies in the middle of each table and after everyone has eaten, they can simply begin doing the craft right where they sit. It doubles as a centerpiece! I’m totally doing that next year.

Third: TALK

tnt swap atl 3

I talked. It’s what I do, I guess.

I wanted to encourage everyone in not being tired this Christmas. I wanted them to see that Advent is parenting. And it’s making an eternal difference in the life of their children.

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I hope you know this for yourself, too. You can do this Truth in the Tinsel-thing!

Party Planner note: Those beautiful Christmas chalkboard posters behind me are from Caravan Shoppe. You download them for about $5 and then print them at Staples for $7. It’s just paper–how cute are they??

Check out our new Swap Party Printables–including a swanky Truth in the Tinsel poster + more!


I had some fabulous, amazing and generous sponsors of this event. At every chair, there was a super cute bag from my good friend, Yancy. Yancy is a singer songwriter who loves kids and God’s Word. Not only did she give everyone a fun Yancy-bag, she also gave them one of her super cool worship DVDs. (Can I just say: CHRISTMAS PRESENT ALERT! CHRISTMAS PRESENT ALERT! You need to snag this stuff for your kids!)

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Also included in the cute little Yancy bag was the brand new Galaxy Buck DVD from Whats in the Bible?. The kids and I just watched it and I loved it so much! What’s in the Bible? also included a free month to Jelly Telly–where you can stream Bible-based kids’ shows and movies. (CHRISTMAS PRESENT ALERT!!!)

We’re not finished yet! My friend Tricia Goyer also included her book, Prayers That Changed History. It’s a family/kid devotional type book about famous people and the prayers they prayed–AND how God brought about miracles because of those prayers. (CHRISTMAS PRESENT ALERT!!!)


And if that wasn’t enough, we also had some fantastic door prizes!

Zonderkidz sent us so many cool Bibles and books from their Adventure Bible line. (It’s the Bible my daughter has!)

adventure bible

They even included lots o’ cute Christmas books and the Jesus Storybook Bible. (Which is literally, the best book I’ve ever read.)


Yancy is so generous and gave away more CDs and devotional books. (My favorite is Roots for the Journey and Taste and See.

yancy faves

My friend Kam from One Girl Design Shoppe gave a beautiful tabletop block from her Holiday Collection. She hand paints signs (even gorgeous custom orders) on reclaimed wood. I can’t wait to put one in our new house!

Tabletop Block Christ Is Born Hand Painted Christmas Gift from

Jessica from OneTwentyOne Designs donated the cutest zip pouches I’ve ever seen. Jessica sews all kinds of lovely bags and other yummies from vintage fabrics with vintage buttons. Every thing she makes is adorable.

Vintage Fabric Zip Pouch Christmas Coupon from OneTwentyOneDesigns.Com

Last: SWAP

Now it was time for the whole reason we were there! We grabbed our little Yancy bags and filled it with all the supplies for every day of Truth in the Tinsel! Aren’t you jealous??

tnt atl swap 5

A big special thanks to my mom for letting us use her children’s church space at her church and for all the other bazillion things she did that night–including take care of my two kiddos and running the sound. Thank you to Staci, my BFF who is just well, really and truly the BEST. Thanks to my kiddos for being so helpful and obedient on a crazy hard day. And thanks to my husband who moved us into our new apartment while I hosted the party.

And of course, thank you to all the ladies that made their crafts, came to the party and generally loved on me knowing it was a stressful day for me. You buoyed my spirit and I had so much fun with you. I love you all!

Men who are over 65 years old are recommended at to take no more than half a bag of gel so that the body can withdraw medicines freely.

Valium binds to plasma proteins by 98%. The substances of the drug pass through the placenta, the blood-brain barrier, easily penetrate into breast milk. The drug accumulates and is stored in adipose tissue. The patient is prescribed a minimum dose of 2 mg for the first time regardless of the disease and the form of release. If there are no side effects after application, then the dosage does not change in the first three days, then it is increased depending on the diagnosis. There is more information on the website

tnt swap atl 1


FREE Truth in the Tinsel Supplements

One of the coolest parts of Truth in the Tinsel is that it is so versatile. You can adapt it for any age and interest. Of course, I think doing it as is, is pretty fun and exciting but I love that people have come up with new cool ways to use it with their kids!

Fun FREE Truth in the Tinsel Supplements from REAL moms!

I’m going to share several free supplements and additions to Truth in the Tinsel made my actual Truth in the Tinsel alums. These are not alternatives to Truth in the Tinsel, you still need the ebook to do the devotions and have the conversations. These are simply fun additions or as I like to call them–Truth in the Tinsel hacks! Enjoy, the creativity:

1. Printable Mini Album from Pink Paper Peppermints

If you’re planning on doing our printable ornaments, Melissa has made the coolest printable for a mini-album to keep them in! You simply print, cut and staple the book together then glue your ornaments in as you go.

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You can even attach a ribbon and make them into an ornament. How super adorable is that?! If I ever travel during the holidays again, I’m doing this with the kids!

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2. Countdown Riddle Cards from Mama Jenn

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Included in Truth in the Tinsel are fun printable clues to introduce the theme and ornament of the day. Mama Jenn has taken it a step further and has made little riddles for each day and once the kids guess the riddle, they run through the house looking for the hidden clue!

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Isn’t that fun? And I love how she displays the clues like a Christmas tree!

3. Active Advent Exercises from Everyday Faith & Fitness

First of all, I have to tell you a little back story on this–a few weeks ago, a mom sent me a Facebook message and said asked if I had any  “games, challenges or physical activities” to go along with each day as her son isn’t really into crafts. There is a fun obstacle course suggested for the Joseph day, but besides that, I’d never ever thought about something like that.

THE NEXT DAY, Dawn from Everyday Faith and Fitness emails me and says, “As I was thinking about the Truth in the Tinsel activities for this year, all of these exercise-related ideas started coming to me (God is so cool!). I’ve got the whole Advent season sketched out with exercises that correlate with each of the days from Truth in the Tinsel.”

active advent truth tinsel

Isn’t that amazing? Dawn has created some fun exercises to go with each day of Truth in the Tinsel and I think she’s going to be adding some videos through the month so you can see how to do them with kids. The kids and I are totally doing these!

4. Truth in the Tinsel Tracing Cards from All Our Days

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This is another way to easily use our printable ornaments and keep them all in one spot. Cute, right?

5. Little Kid Hacks

I had to link to this post even if it is from my own blog! My friend Lindsey gives a TON of great ways to use Truth in the Tinsel with the littlest of kids.

6. Advent Snacks

Fun Food Supplements for Truth in the Tinsel!

Wanna add some yumminess to your celebration? Liz made up some fun food for each day!

7. Lego Ornaments

Lots of people have made Lego ornaments in lieu of the ornaments prescribed in the ebook. My friend, Tina (Cogs of Encouragement) took pictures of all the Lego creations her kids made to spur your creativity!

// // //

Are you inspired? I hope you’re inspired and not overwhelmed. The point of this post is not to make you do ALL THE THINGS this Christmas season. In fact, Truth in the Tinsel has the opposite goal–to help you slow down and focus on God’s Word and His wonderful gift of Jesus. These activities are how real mamas have done just that–whether it’s through music or Legos or exercise.

There’s no wrong way to do Truth in the Tinsel. Truth in the Tinsel works because you work. Truth in the Tinsel is a guide to help you lead your kids to Jesus. That’s all. I pray this Advent season will be one of fun memories and sweet times of communion with God.

If you still haven’t downloaded your copy of Truth in the Tinsel, do so now! Then you can create your own TNT hack! I’d love to hear about it!

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