More Mini Schedules for Truth in the Tinsel!

truth tinsel mini schedules flat layDecember is a crazy month. Advent activities–especially daily activities can get overwhelming! Included in the Truth in the Tinsel ebook are several alternate schedules, but here’s three more to help your December feel a little lighter! Pick one that works for you!

12 Days of Truth in the Tinsel
I picked twelve of my favorite ornaments that show off the most of the Christmas story!

  1. Light
  2. Mary
  3. Joseph
  4. Jesus’ Name
  5. Bethlehem
  6. Manger
  7. Cloths
  8. Angels
  9. Shepherds
  10. Star
  11. Wisemen
  12. Cross

Days that Include Printable Templates
Just print and go, baby. These are easy peasy crafts that come with a big help from the printable templates included in your ebook!

  1. Light
  2. Mary & Elizabeth
  3. Sun
  4. Shepherds
  5. Temple
  6. Wisemen

Days that have supplies you should be able to find in your house
These crafts are mostly made from recycled materials. And if you don’t have these supplies exactly, you can always scrounge around in a junk drawer or recycle bin to find something that will work! No shopping required.

  1. Kingdom
  2. Zechariah
  3. Gabriel
  4. Bethlehem
  5. Census
  6. Manger
  7. Cloths
  8. Gifts

Have no idea what these lists mean? Don’t worry–grab your own copy of Truth in the Tinsel and get in the know! Download it now for $9.99!

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