Printable Ornaments!

Printable Ornaments for Truth in the Tinsel

After Christmas last year, I started brainstorming about Truth in the Tinsel 2012. Should we add more to it? Do something different?

I was talking to my friend Vanessa, from Silly Eagle Books about some ideas I had. She said, “You know what would be really good? Some printable ornaments. Then on the days we don’t want to do a craft, we could just color it and hang it up.”


What a fabulous idea! It would work for so many ideas–if you were doing Truth in the Tinsel on vacation (like we did last year at Disney World!), at Grandma’s when all your relatives are there, for toddlers who don’t have the attention span for a long craft, when you don’t have the supplies or just don’t want to pull all the mess out!

I buzzed Jason at who designed the original Truth in the Tinsel to see if he could make some printable ornaments for us. And he did! He designed them to look like a traditional ball ornament and used our clues from the original book as a guide for the pictures.

Printable Ornaments for Truth in the Tinsel Printable Ornaments for Truth in the Tinsel

My husband and kids colored some tonight and had a great time. When my 4 year old son was finished coloring he said, “Mommy, look at my sheep. I gave him a space helmet.”

Hey, whatever works, right?

Truth in the Tinsel Printable Ornaments

These printable ornaments are not mandatory for using Truth in the Tinsel. They are an additional supplement for when you need a quick craft or a break from your normal activity. And check out our Printable Christmas Trees for even more fun!

Truth in the Tinsel Printable Ornaments

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Download all 24 printable ornaments for $4.99 now!

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Make it a Big Deal!

Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands ebook

Christmas seems bigger every year. Bigger presents. Bigger parties. Bigger trees. Bigger decorations.

Sometimes I just want to hide from it. I want to give gifts only to Jesus. I want to have a simple Christmas. I want to make popcorn garlands and get a penny and a peppermint stick in my stocking like Laura Ingalls.

I don’t want my kids’ eyes as big as saucers when they come down the stairs on Christmas morning. I don’t want them overly tired and cranky from too much Christmas candy and too many Christmas parties.

I want them to know the big deal of Christmas is Jesus. I want to stack up everything that Christmas “requires”: trees, gifts, parties, cards, wrapping and matching outfits and make sure it looks small compared to the gift of Jesus.

When we make a big deal of Jesus by focusing on Him for 24 days, reading His story for an entire month, meditating on His gift to us, we’ll make Him bigger. The big deal of Christmas will become big in the hearts of your children. It will be a big deal that will stay with them their entire lives–making Jesus the Big Deal of their lifetime.

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Let’s do it–make Christmas a big deal. Go all out—focusing on Jesus, making His name great and honoring Him this year. I think Truth in the Tinsel is a great way to do this (of course!), but now matter how you celebrate, do it up big!

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Want to make Christmas REALLY meaningful this year?

Does the craziness of the holiday seem to sweep you away? Do you sit there on December 25th and say, “Wait. Did we even talk about Jesus the last 24 days?”. Do Santa, gifts and parties cloud over the real stuff you want to focus on?

I know exactly how you feel! I want my children to know and love Christmas, not for gifts or trees, but for Jesus!

I want them to say, “the best present of all is Jesus!”

I really believe December is one of best times to impress God’s Word on your kids’ hearts. Our whole country turns its attention to Christmas–stores are playing songs of worship to the newborn king, movies are playing on cable that show the real meaning of Christmas and people even decorate their yard with Bible characters!

I try to leverage this Jesus-centered month by helping my kids meditate on and learn the real story of Jesus’ birth. That’s how this ebook was born. Out of a daily advent-ure with my daughter when she was only 1 year old.

Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands

Every day we read a passage of Scripture, made a simple ornament and then talked about the story. As we talked and created, God’s Word was sinking deep into her heart. She was meditating and focusing on Scripture–in her own preschool way. Now that she and her brother have done Truth in the Tinsel for several years, the Word of God has grown and compounded in their hearts.

Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands ebook $7.99

This ebook will lead you and your children on your own experience through the Christmas Story. You’ll take a few minutes each day in reading the Christmas Story directly from the Bible, making a fun ornament craft and talking about it together.

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Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands

Give your kids a few minutes for the first 24 days of December. You might find your kids giving themselves to Jesus in return!

Download Truth in the Tinsel today for only $9.99!

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