Printable Christmas Trees!

The very first time I did Truth in the Tinsel with my daughter, well, it wasn’t Truth in the Tinsel at the time, but we made little ornaments every day and we hung them on a string underneath a window in our living room. The next year, I cut out a big Christmas tree out of some brown craft paper and hung it on the wall. We hung our ornaments up on it with tacks. I was kinda in love with it.

Seeing those ornaments hanging up in a different place around our house was a constant reminder to talk about, think about and yes, even meditate on the story we’d read that day. Big reminders of God’s Word in my home is one of my favorite things. So, last year, after I fell in love with something called an engineer print, I thought it would be fun to make a big giant Truth in the Tinsel tree for you to hang up your own ornaments!

Enter—our printable Christmas trees!


These files are designed to be printed in large format, which is 36×48! This is how they print blueprints! But the cool thing? They are so super cheap to print! At our local Staples, it’s only $7. SEVEN BUCKS to print a giant poster! (And with Black Friday and all the deals going around, I bet you could get it cheaper!)


So, we designed two fun trees for you. One is the traditional, pine-needly-tree you see above. The other is a whimsical cartoon-ish tree. Each tree comes with two options: with numbered ornaments slots for your printable ornaments OR without numbers so for those of us with multiple kids (or kids that don’t like to color inside the lines!) who need lots of room to hang up all the ornaments wherever they want! You get all four tree options for just $6 total!

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These posters are specifically designed for our super-adorable printable ornaments BUT if you have a door/wall/place where you don’t mind sticking a tack in–I think you could hang your actual ornaments there, too!


Not only is it really fun for kids to update their tree each day, it’s also a huge visual reminder of what you’re learning about and focusing on all throughout December. It’s a constant sign of the great story of Jesus’ gift to us!

Remember, this is just a fun supplement. You DO NOT need this tree or the printable ornaments to do Truth in the Tinsel. But, if you’re looking for something new, fun or just adorable—this is for you!printable-trees

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