Search Results for: other truth in the tinsel

Why Does Truth in the Tinsel Work?

The first week of Truth in the Tinsel is a busy one. Everyone is figuring out how to fit in a half hour to do crafts with their kids. Christmas parties and gifts have already started along with decorations and every other Christmas-y thing that “must” be done.

So, not only am I experiencing all that at home with my own kids and schedule, I’m also getting emails from all of you–everything from thank you’s to download problems to oh-my-goodness-advent-starts-today?! to questions about theology. I was feeling up to my eyeballs in all this Christmasy, Truth in the Tinsely stuff earlier this week when this tweet stopped me in my tracks:

Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands

All that tiredness and stress just melted away! A little girl gave her heart to Jesus during Truth in the Tinsel! How cool is that?!

I asked Amanda to email me so I could hear the whole thing–I wanted to know how Truth in the Tinsel fit into her story. I mean, it was only December 5th, so we haven’t even got to Jesus yet!

Here’s an excerpt of her story:

I hung the clue chain around a little tree and we only do the coloring ornaments that we then hang on the little tree. Today we completed Days 4 and 5. I was already behind one day! We talked about Gabriel and then we did Mary. I read Luke 1:26-38 after each clue and ornament. We talked about believing what God says and about Jesus.

I asked my daughter, do you believe that Jesus died on the cross? She replied yes. She’s has heard the story before. Then I asked her, do you want to pray and accept Jesus into your heart? She said yes!…We talked about what sin is and how Jesus died for us. We talked about John 3:16 and what it means to have eternal life. Then she repeated out loud a prayer that her daddy led her in. She is a shy girl and wouldn’t normally pray out loud, but she did for this moment. She knows the scriptures from AWANA, she knows some of the stories, but tonight it became real for her.

Doing the Truth in the Tinsel gave me a way to talk about Jesus every day. The kids expect it and nag me about opening the next clue. I need the “Talk about it together” script to ask my kids questions about the scripture reading. The questions give me a way to introduce Biblical discussions into our daily lives. While my daughter colored an ornament with a picture of Mary we were able to talk about what it means to believe God and what His word says about Jesus.

Thank you. Truth in the Tinsel gives me an easy way to talk about Jesus in my home. Tonight that discussion time led to a prayer of salvation. I will be eternally grateful.

Did you hear that last part? “Truth in the Tinsel gives me an easy way to talk about Jesus in my home”.

Why does Truth in the Tinsel work? //


It’s not really the Truth in the Tinsel devotion that’s so good. It’s not the ornaments or the talking points or the extra activities. There is nothing holy about this little ebook.

You know what it is?

Parents are taking time out every single day to purposefully talk to their kids about Jesus. Regular moms and dads are opening up God’s Word and planting it deep in their children’s hearts. THIS is what makes the difference.

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And the thing is, if you don’t focus on God’s Word in December you will be focusing on something–we bake dozens of cookies, spend money on too many gifts, think of elaborate shenanigans for an elf on the shelf, read Christmas books daily and more.

But what if?

WHAT IF we spent all of December teaching our kids about Jesus? What if we put our energy into thinking up creative, dare I say magical ways to make Jesus’ story big and exciting in their hearts?

What if we chose to be purposeful with our celebration and made it actually focus on Jesus?!

Friends, if you’re reading this, you probably are being purposeful with Jesus’ birth. You are doing Truth on the Tinsel or some other Jesus-centric Advent activity. But can I just remind you of something? This time you are giving your kids is of eternal importance! The special ways you bring sparkle and excitement to Bible stories and the knowledge of Jesus in December will open up conversations, pierce hearts and soften spirits.

Truth in the Tinsel works not because there is anything special about it. Truth in the Tinsel works because YOU work. When YOU are purposeful and work hard to lead your kids to Jesus, God will do what He said and speak and move and do miracles in the hearts of your children.

Yesterday, I saw this beautiful question on my friend, Robin’s instagram stream:

Are you celebrating a season or worshipping a Savior? // a question from at

I want to worship a Savior. I want my kids to see December as a month of worship. Not because we don’t focus on Jesus all year–we do. But because this month is already glittery and shiny, I want them to see it glowing with Jesus and His gifts. I want them to turn that excitement back to worship to Him!

Will you join me in worshipping Jesus this season? Will you be purposeful this Christmas season–not on celebrating the season but worshipping the Savior?

buy tnt footer

A Real Mom Adapts Truth in the Tinsel For Little Kids

This is a guest post by my friend, Lindsey. We found each other via blogs and connected over Children’s Ministry and Truth in the Tinsel. You know I want Truth in the Tinsel to be easy and empowering. Not hard and overwhelming. Lindsey shares today about how she’s adapted  Truth in the Tinsel for the very littlest kids…

using Truth in the Tinsel with the littlest of kiddos //

When I first spotted Amanda’s amazing resource, Truth in Tinsel, I was eager to try it. Even though my daughter was only 2 at the time, I wanted to begin to help her understand the Christmas story. My son was only one, but often wanted to be “part of the experience”, so I tried my best to adapt Amanda’s brilliant suggestions for my kids tiny hands and short attention spans. If you’re in the same boat, read on to gather up some ideas for your own family (not every day is listed). It’s never too early to share the good news of Christmas in a hands-on way!

As for the Scripture, I generally found a matching story from a Children’s Bible such as the Read and Share Bible, The Jesus Storybook Bible, or the Preschooler’s Bible. If I couldn’t find an exact match up, we simply read through the Christmas story in general.

For the coordinating Scripture, discussion questions and more, pick up your own copy of Truth in Tinsel. There’s still time to make some wonderful Christmas memories with your kids!

Day 1: Candle Ornament (Light of the World)

For this ornament, we still used the candle template, but substituted construction paper for tissue paper. It was much easier for the kids to handle, though the light didn’t shine through quite as nicely. Another idea is to just use the candle in the front and a solid black circle as the background. Kids could easily cover the back and not have to worry about pieces falling through all the little holes.

Coordinating Coloring Pages At:

Coordinating Book: The Light of the World: The Life of Jesus for Children

Day 2: Crown Ornament

This simple crown ornament is perfect for almost any age. At our day care Christmas party, we had kids aged 18 months all the way to 2nd grade participating, and everyone loved it. We did have the youngest kids use glitter instead of jewels.

Truth in Tinsel

Coordinating Coloring Pages:

Day 4: Angel Ornament

For this super fun ornament, we simply substituted construction paper for the suggested wrapping paper to make it more sturdy.


Coordinating Coloring Pages:

Day 5 & Day 6: Mary & Elizabeth

Since Mary and Elizabeth were both included on the day six template, we just combined these projects and skipped making a separate Mary. One day five we painted and constructed the ladies, and then on day six, we role played using our new characters (I put them on Popsicle sticks for easy handling). It was so fun hearing the kids retell the story with the puppets. I love the idea of the pop-dot. What a good idea!

Mary and Elizabeth

Day 7: Mary’s Song

For these CD ornaments, we used stickers to decorate the CD’s. Kids loved it and it’s terrific fine motor practice. Of course, we had Christmas songs playing as we worked. 🙂

Truth in Tinsel

Day 8: Jesus is like the Rising Sun

For this project, we simply painted a paper plate yellow like the sun. Use finger paints if you’re brave! If you look closely, you can see the Bible reference across the bottom. I also wrote “Jesus is like the Rising Sun” across the top after I took this picture. If I were to do it again, I would write the Scripture and title more to the inside and then cut triangles along the outside to make the plate look more a shining sun. This project is a little abstract young kids, but we did talk about how Jesus was the light of the world (again) and read through the book The Light of the World . If you’re using the Jesus Storybook Bible, pages 184 and 190 are great for this lesson.


Day 9: Joseph

For this one, we skipped trying to make a Joseph figure and used some Nativity “build-a-scene” stickers I had picked up from Oriental Trading recently. As can be expected, the stickers were pretty poor quality and my 18 month old kept ripping all the people to shreds before they made it to the paper. As a result, his Nativity scene looks a bit like a massacre!

Nativity Sticker Scene

There are also a ton of printable Nativity characters you can use for this too (to make a puppet like Mary and Elizabeth). Check My Little House, Making Friends, and Prepared Not Scared.

Day 10: Joseph’s Pillow

I appreciate the fact that making Joseph’s pillow is a no-sew project! However, even the pipe cleaner method seemed to be a bit too taxing for our crew. I had some scrap fabric in the craft drawer, so I had each kid pick out their material and then we cut it to about double the size of a pillow. I hot glued two edges (one was sealed by the fold) and then had the kids stuff cotton balls inside. Once the pillow was filled, I hot glued the remaining edge. Then we played out the scene from the Bible (again and again!). We also made a matching blanket to complete the scene. (We used a stick puppet from the printables I listed in Day 9)

Joseph's Pillow

Every time we finished, my 2 year old exclaimed, “Again! Let’s do it again!”. So again we would go! About 4-5 times into it though, Joseph started singing a different tune. Instead of getting up and listening to the angel — he would start saying “Go away, angel. I’m very sleepy.” Oops. That’s not how the story goes!

Day 11: Jesus Name Collage

For this day, we made a “Name Train” to help the kids recognize their own name as well as Jesus’ name. We talked about how everyone’s name is special and has a meaning. I told the kids why we picked their names as well as what Jesus’ name meant.

Name Train

Day 12: Mary, Joseph and the Census

The theme of this day is the census, so instead of making the jar ornament, we lined all our Little People figures and wooden peg people up and counted them as they were “on their way to Bethlehem”. If you want to get really official about it, use an abacus to do your counting!

Truth in Tinsel

Coordinating Coloring Pages:

Day 14: Stable Ornament

For this one, we made a stable out of craft sticks still, but glued it onto a piece of construction paper instead of making an ornament.

Craft Stick Christmas Manger

Coordinating Coloring Pages:

Day 16: Sleeping Jesus in Blanket

Today, we skipped the craft project and did some dramatic play with baby dolls instead. We practiced wrapping up our dolls and rocking them as Mary would have wrapped and rocked Jesus.

Coordinating Coloring Pages:

Day 17: Sheep Ornament

Nothing screams sheep like a heaping pile of cotton balls. For this, I had the kids glue cotton balls to a small paper plate and then I added little legs and a head when they were done.

Cotton Ball Sheep

Day 19: Shepherds

More dramatic play fun for this day. Instead of making shepherds, we acted out what it would be like to be “keeping watch over the flocks at night”. I pretended I was the angel and the kids fell down when I “appeared”. I told them not to be afraid and then encouraged them to run to another room to find the baby Jesus, wrapped up in swaddling clothes. The kids loved it!

Day 20: Star Ornament

For this one, I found a fun folding star trick to do with the kids. I would fold the paper and get it ready, and all they would have to do is make one straight line cut. We would unfold it to find a lovely star! You can find the full directions for the fold and cut star here.

Fold and Cut Star


Day 22: Wise Men

Tomorrow’s lesson focuses on the gifts the wise men brought, so for today, we got out the child-friendly nativity set and acted out the wise men’s journey to see the baby.

Day 24: Birthday Cake

Today, we made a birthday cake in anticipation for Jesus’ birthday tomorrow. It’s standard chocolate, and I’m thinking of letting the kids eat it for breakfast to demonstrate just what a wonderful day Christmas is!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

What About You?

Have have you made the Truth in Tinsel experience your own? I’d love to hear about it!


Lindsey Whitney is a mom of two, home day care provider, Children’s Ministry director and blogger over at Growing Kids Ministry. Growing Kids Ministry is a blog designed to help parents, teachers, and Children’s Ministry workers who want to help the kids they love grow in their faith. Lindsey loves books, coffee, springtime, and a really loud thunderstorm. You can connect with her via twitter or on facebook.

How To Plan, Organize and ROCK a Truth in the Tinsel Swap

This is a guest post from a Truth in the Tinsel fan, Children’s Ministry alum and all around amazing woman, Sunny Cote.

how to plan organize rock truth tinsel swap

We mamas have good intentions.  Really, we do.  But if you are anything like me, the daily grind of feeding, diapering, cleaning, educating, discipling and refereeing takes up a great deal of time and a blink later it’s bedtime for our little cherubs and our plans for a fun tea party/pinterest worthy crafts/fill-in-the-blank/ fly out the window like a kite dancing in the sky on a windy day!  Does anyone feel me?

And then, there’s December.  I actually LOVE everything about Christmas.  I love having the opportunity to teach my kids about the true reason for celebrating Christmas-the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  However, December can get awfully busy and unless I’m super purposeful all those good intentions can easily get pushed aside as I prepare for guests, parties, shopping, food…it can be so overwhelming!

But then amidst the busyness comes the soft, sweet reminder of Jesus speaking to Martha in Luke 10 “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Mamas, it is a busy season, but shouldn’t we choose the one thing that truly matters?  Shouldn’t we make certain our children learn the wonderful news of our Savior’s birth and worship Him?

Well, that is exactly why my family LOVES Truth in the Tinsel! It is such a fun and purposeful way to focus the Christmas season on Jesus every day.  And best yet, my kids beg to have our devotion time every day!  Now I’ll admit that I am a craft lover and my 4 kids (ages 7, 6, 4, & 2) are craft fanatics, but it can be a bit daunting to gather lots of craft supplies and organize them for each day of Advent; I get it.  But guess what?  There is an amazingly easy way to gather, prepare and organize all the Truth in the Tinsel crafts and you don’t have to do it all by yourself!!  After all, when you get a group of girlfriends together, ain’t nothin’ we can’t do!

And, this is where the idea for doing a “Busy Bag” style Truth in the Tinsel Swap was born.

truth tinsel swap 4

Interested?  Well, read on my sisters!

In order to organize a Truth in the Tinsel Activity Swap, you simply need a group of women who would like to participate.  I began by sharing my experience with T in the T by showing everyone my printed ebook placed in page protectors in a binder, pictures of my kids doing the crafts and sharing a few of the wonderful spiritual conversations that resulted from doing these activities.  Afterward, there were masses of women asking to participate.

So, I simply passed around a sign-up sheet for each mom to fill in their name, email, and the number of children in their family that would be participating in the crafts.  Next, I sent each mom an email asking them to purchase and download their own copy of T in the T and to email me once they did this.

Then, I sent a second email with the swap date, supplies that everyone needed to plan to have on hand such as glue, markers, glitter glue, etc. and finally the craft assignments for each mom.  So, depending on the number of women participating each mom would be assigned one of the 24 days and they would only purchase supplies and prepare for that one craft, but they would make enough for all the children who were participating.

truth tinsel swap 2

Each mom would then prepare craft supplies (not prepared crafts—just supplies for the craft) and place them in a baggie, labeled according to the appropriate day.  For example, if I was participating and I was supposed to prepare crafts for 42 children, and my assigned day was “Day 3” I would prepare 42 bags and place inside each one enough supplies to make the Zechariah ornament and label all the bags “Day 3.”

On the day of the swap, each mom should bring their prepared craft bags as well as a large paper bag with their last name and the number of T in the T kits they ordered clearly marked on the bag.  This paper bag will be what the leave with at the end of the swap party.  The person organizing would then line up the prepared days of crafts in numerical order.

I highly recommend making this a fun, social time for moms to perhaps have a cup of tea or coffee and visit while a couple of organizers prepare all of the family bags.  This helps to ensure that each family bag gets the right number of each craft…you know, fewer hands equals fewer errors.   Here is the very best news, after the organizers prepare the family bags, each mom walks away with their entire T in the T kit for all of their children assembled and ready to go for all 24 days of the Advent season!  Can I get an AMEN?!!

So there you go mamas!  This is a way to equip not only yourself, but all your sister friends as well!  Can you imagine the impact that working together to make this happen will have on all our children?  What if you presented this idea to your MOPs group at church or your small group?  What if your Children’s Ministry program got on board?  Can you imagine the impact this might have on families who aren’t yet Christ-followers, but who attend MOPs or another similar program to socialize with other moms? I can’t wrap my mind around the possibilities, but God can!  And just maybe YOU could be a small part of His BIG story this Christmas season!

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sammy coteSunny Coté is a wife and mama of 4 children, ages 7, 6, 4 & 2, who keep her on her toes! She has worked in children’s ministry for the past 7 ½ years and served most recently as the Director of Training & Development at a large mega church in the Washington D.C. area. Sunny is passionate about equipping families to live out an everyday faith and enjoys speaking on various topics related to parenting and children’s ministry.

Note from Amanda: Are you so inspired by this?! You know, it’s not too late to get this together. You could even set up a swap for Days 5-24 and have a party the first of December! And if you don’t have 24 mamas who want to participate, you could just have 12 and everyone could prepare two crafts. If you have a question or a great idea about hosting a Truth in the Tinsel swap, please leave a comment below so we can all talk about it!

2014 Update: See the details (Part 1 and Part 2) of MY Atlanta Swap Party!
2015 Update: See our awesome party + the cutest Advent Calendar craft ever!


Save Your Truth in the Tinsel Ornaments

truth tinsel paper coterie

Last year, when it was time to clean up the Truth in the Tinsel ornaments, I got a little sad. Those ornaments were more than ornaments–they were 24 days (ok, probably more like 19 days…) of memories with my kids! I wanted to be like Mary and treasure up all these things in my heart!

Lots of people on our Facebook page said the same thing, “What should we do with our ornaments?!”

I didn’t keep Lydia’s first ornaments from when she was 1. *sniff* And I so wish I had! But I do have them from when she was 2 and she loves loves loves to look at them. It’s amazing at how much I remember holding those little memories in my hand.

However, do you really want a box of ornaments every single year for each of your kids? Yowza. That could be an episode of Hoarders waiting to happen.

Then. I had an idea.

I have some beautiful (and I mean beautiful) photo memory keepers. One is for Asa’s baby stuff, one is for all our ticket stubs to local events and special activities. The other is all of our souvenirs from our last Disney vacation.

These boxes are gorgeous to display and super fun to look through.


I made a Truth in the Tinsel Memory Keeper this year and look how awesome it is!

truth tinsel paper coterie memory keeper cover

truth tinsel paper coterie memory keeper cover

truth tinsel paper coterie memory keeper

I could not love it more. I just couldn’t!

{Update: Sadly, Paper Coterie is out of business! *sniff* BUT, I have found a few comparable items. Nations Photo Lab has some pretty cute boxes that come up to a 10×10 size!}

Then, I had another idea. Say you don’t want to keep the ornaments. You could make a photo book from Shutterfly or Snapfish or any photo site including close up pictures of the ornaments, Scripture references, memories from the craft-making time or additional pictures of your kiddos crafting.

Here’s a few pages of the book I’m working on right now…

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How much do you love that?!

How are you preserving your Truth in the Tinsel memories?

Top Ten Questions, Tips & How-To’s for Your Truth in the Tinsel Experience

The last few weeks all I’ve been doing is answering emails and Facebook messages about Truth in the Tinsel. We do have a FAQ page that covers most of the technical, download-y kind of questions.

Today, I’m going to answer some more questions, give some tips, clarifications and even a short video of little old me walking you through the ebook!

Ready? Let’s begin…

1. What ages is Truth in the Tinsel for? Are my kids too old? young?

I wrote Truth in the Tinsel when my kids were 5 and 3. I began doing this same make-an-ornament activity with my daughter when she was almost 2 years old. Last year, kids up to 13 years old were enjoying Truth in the Tinsel!

So, to answer the question: ALL AGES!

2. Is the book the same as last year? Do we have to do the same crafts again?

Yes, the book is the same as last year. If you follow the book exactly, yes, you will do the same crafts again. However, kids like traditions. Do you make the same candy-cane-red-puffball-pipe-cleaner reindeer every year? Do your kids like it?

Also, from year to year, your supplies, your kids’ abilities and your creative spur-of-the-moment ideas will alter the crafts. Not to mention, if you missed a craft last year, you’ll probably get to it this year!

If you’re really wanting to switch it up, grab the printable ornaments!

Note: The book was updated on it’s 5th birthday with minimal changes.

3. My kids won’t sit still to listen to the Bible reading parts.

That’s ok! You know your kids best. If they can’t sit still, read while they are making the craft. Or read a few verses at breakfast, a few at lunch and the rest when you sit down to do the activity. {Check out my tips for teaching the Bible to little kids!}

Reading the Bible with your kids {using Truth in the Tinsel}

I do think it’s important to read the actual Scriptures from the Bible (and even from a Bible versus your computer) so, make an effort. But don’t get stressed out if it’s not the perfect scene you’ve imagined!

4. Does it take a lot of preparation?

If you are completely void of craft supplies, you’ll probably need to take a trip to the nearest craft store. But if you have some pipe-cleaners, beads, some fabric and a little string around your house, you’ll be ok. You can easily substitute materials and make up your own fun ideas. Check out the #truthinthetinsel hashtag to be inspired!

5. Do I need a swanky advent calendar to go along with this?

Nope. There is a printable paper chain in the back you can use or you can make a simple one like the one we made at our Atlanta Swap Party!

6. What if my kids don’t want to do the craft?

I think a lot of this is about expectations and delivery. If you go into the craft with a smile on your face and we-can-do-it attitude, your kids will catch on. Don’t expect a beautiful craft project–let them make it themselves and let it look terrible if it has to!

tips for doing Truth in the Tinsel with your kids

The point of the ornaments is to let the kids use their hands to focus on an aspect of God’s Word.

7. Advent starts in November some years. When do we start Truth in the Tinsel?

There are 24 activities in the book to correspond with the 24 days between December 1st and Christmas Eve.

You can start on December 1st for ease of counting (that’s what I’m doing.) Or you can start when traditional advent begins. Or you can start a few days before so you have a few days of margin! (<–that is genius, right there!)

8. Am I too late?

No way! If you join the fun on December 19, you’ll still be able to participate! I have put in several additional schedules in the book so you can choose one that works for you. There are schedules to just cover the basics of the story, highlight the main characters or work through the prophesies.

9. What if I mess up?

You won’t. There is no wrong way to do Truth in the Tinsel. It’s simply a tool to help you focus, spotlight and lead your kids to Jesus. Don’t worry about doing it right, better than others or in a perfect way. Just enjoy this special time with your kids!

10. Do I have to buy the printable ornaments and printable Christmas trees, too?

Nope! The printable ornaments and printable Christmas trees are just a super fun supplement!

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BONUS: I’ll walk you through the ebook…

If you haven’t bought your copy of Truth in the Tinsel—what are you waiting for?! Download it now! Only $9.99!

buy now


Truth in the Tinsel in the church!

You have got to see this! One of the churches that is doing the Truth in the Tinsel curriculum went all out to get their families involved. Look what they did after buying the books with our bulk pricing:

truth in the tinsel church curriculum

source: Calvary Monument Bible Church

They printed the book for every family. Not only that, they got all the craft supplies and put them into individual baggies!

christmas family ministry

source: Calvary Monument Bible Church

Don’t you wish someone would have done that for you?!

Since my first real job was a Children’s Pastor, this gets my little ministry-heart pumping! I love seeing churches who empower their parents with resources and tools to raise their kids for the Lord. Church should be an extension and support for parents, not just another class to drop off their kid.

Thank you, Calvary Monument Bible Church for reaching out and equipping parents to impress God’s Word on their kids’ heart this Christmas!

Wanna do your own version of this at your church? Check out our Swap Party Printables!

Truth in the Tinsel Church Curriculum

One of the most fun parts of being behind the scenes of Truth in the Tinsel is seeing how everyone uses the ebook. Of course, there are people like you and me who are simply doing the book as written with their kids.

But other people have been all caught up in the tinsel and want to share it with others. I’ve had churches, children’s ministries, backyard Bible clubs, MOPS groups, preschools and more contact me about doing Truth in the Tinsel in a group environment. As a former Children’s Pastor, this totally excites me! I love the local church and ministries that are helping parents raise kids for the Lord!

Truth in the Tinsel Church Curriculum

So, my best friend, Staci and I got together a few months ago to write a 4-week church curriculum to go along with Truth in the Tinsel! You can read all about it on our Church Curriculum page. You’ll even find pricing for bulk orders of the ebook!

If you’re a family ministry director at any level, please check out our curriculum. It’s the perfect way to get the church and families partnering in leading kids to Jesus this Christmas!


What Others Are Saying

“Amanda has found the perfect way to lead little hearts into preparation and anticipation of the true celebration of Christmas. All the hands-on ideas in “Truth in the Tinsel” are fresh and winsome. I wish I’d had this book when our children were young.” –Robin Jones Gunn, bestselling author of the Christy Miller Series

“What an excellent resource for parents with young children–really this is great for the entire family. It is activity based, saturated in scripture, and provides a platform for leading families closer to Christ this Christmas season. I highly recommend Truth in the Tinsel!” -Jeremy Self, Pastor of Teaching and Community, Church at Lake Travis, Austin, TX

“Is it time yet?!” The question came every day as my children worked through Truth in the Tinsel. It’s my favorite resource for making the nativity story come alive for my children … and they’d agree! In fact, I had to print another copy because they wanted to do the activities again throughout the year. My mother-heart is happy to see my children so excited about God’s Word.” -Tricia Goyer, USA Today best-selling author of 40+ books, including The Kissing Bridge

“We at First Look LOVE this resource…scriptures are repeated several times throughout the month so that it can truly be “impressed” upon your children.” -Kathy Hill, editor at First Look

” It starts with Light and ends with the Cross.  It’s all about Him!” -Jane, Mozi Esmé

“As I read, I found myself pondering the material and seeing the Holy Spirit speak to me too.  Something that touches both my children and myself is always a good sign.” -Heather, Cultivated Lives

“I am always looking for purposeful and fun resources that will help teach my children more truths about Jesus, and Truth in the Tinsel does just that.” -Cass, Husband. Daddy. Preschool Guy.

“We are officially Jesse Tree drop-outs.  I can never seem to make it till the end…My kids love crafts, but I need someone to plan them ALL for me.  Thank You Amanda.” -Carisa, 1+1+1=1

“When I saw the “supply list” at the beginning of the book, I’ll admit…I was WAY intimidated…But I am so thankful I kept reading. She makes it VERY clear, the point isn’t that your ornaments are perfect, or even that you do this every day…The point is to take time and talk about what happened.” -Lauren, Great is Your Faithfulness

“I WILL be busy this December, but because of Truth in the Tinsel, I will be busy enjoying and experiencing Advent with my kids rather than busy spending tons of time planning and preparing for it!” -Jenn, MamaJenn

“If you are looking for a fun way to include more of Jesus in the holiday season, be sure to check out Truth in the Tinsel!” -Jolanthe, Homeschool Creations

“This book is probably the best resource for preschoolers I have ever seen.” -Jenae, I Can Teach My Child

Even if you’re not super crafty, you can do this!” -Mary, Giving Up On Perfect

“I was so excited when I received it that I read the whole thing immediately, but before I got through the Author’s note I was in tears – literally crying. Truth in Tinsel was speaking to my heart and ministering to me in a way that I truly hadn’t expected.” -Katie, A Class of Her Own

“With full-color pictures, step-by-step instructions, and printable templates, Amanda has really thought of everything!  When you purchase this ebook, you’ll have in your hands (well, on your computer, anyway!) an all-inclusive “manual” for celebrating Advent with your kids.”31Mommy

“This book is fun, projects adorable, and keeps little ones engaged.  The quality time spent together is the perfect way to prepare our younger children’s hearts for Christmas!-Steph, Homeschool Village

“Truth in the Tinsel provides an opportunity for families to spend quality time together while teaching and discussing the Christmas story.” -Kathy, Kathy’s Cluttered Mind

“I could go on and on about why if you have preschool/elementary age children you will appreciate this resource….but trust me, you will love it. Amanda has clearly put a ton of time, prayer, thought, wisdom and skill into this book.” -Cindy, She Sparkles

“This eBook, Truth in the Tinsel, is a hands-on tool for teaching children about Jesus, from birth to the cross!  I absolutely LOVE it!” -Shayla, The Frugal Family Life

“Very simple, yet concrete way to share the Christmas story for children age preschool to elementary.  Your kids will be talking about these ornaments for years to come!” -Shonda, Milk N’ Honey

“an invitation to engage our Savior and the beautiful story of His love for us.” -Rosie, Life As I Know It

“Truth in the Tinsel is a real resource…for real moms…with real children.” -Krisite, A Mom By Any Other Name

“There are lots of Advent calendars and activities I’ve stumbled upon online but nothing else has been comparable to Truth In The Tinsel.” -Alicia, Making Time For Mom

“Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to help teach your children about Christ’s birth and the reason for the Christmas season.” -Sarah, Loved Like the Church

“There are hard core truths packed into this darling book that Amanda has somehow managed to make easy for little ones to understand.”When You Rise

“An INCREDIBLE book that will become a family favorite to do together, year after year!” -Chelsey, Sharing the Journey

“I really wanted a way to help my family really think deeply about the whole meaning of Christmas, and the impact it has on our lives as followers of Jesus. Truth in the Tinsel honestly far exceeded my expectations!” – Jennifer, This Gal’s Journey

“Truth in the Tinsel does not use cutesy stories or rhymes or songs to tell the Christmas story, it guides us to use God’s own words, from the Bible.” -Pam, It’s Time for More Coffee

“Truth in the Tinsel is a beautiful culmination of her experiences with her own kids as she imparts the truth and beauty of the ‘Christmas Story’ to their hearts. -Alle, Chasing Eden

“It might just be one of those eBooks that you print out, put in a binder, and use it over and over every year until it is the velveteen rabbit of eBooks. -Laura, The Homeschool Baby

“I promise, you’ll love it!” -Madonna, 2 Teaching Mommies

“Reading through the alternate schedules, knowing that I can give my kids the gift of Advent without stressing over certain failure before we even begin, is a relief, and a gift to me!” -Amy, The Finer Things In Life

“The real goal is not to make perfect Christmas tree decorations, but to engage your kids in the Christmas story in a way that causes them to love Jesus more! -Jacquie, Echoing Him

“I’ve been on the search for a book that explains Advent season in simple terms for my girls.  I want them to really understand, even at a young age, what the meaning of Christmas really is. I want to cement this knowledge in their hearts now so we can continually build on that. Amanda wrote a wonderful ebook that is perfect to explain the advent season for young children!” -Aurie, Our Good Life

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“She has made it so easy to make much of Jesus in your days leading up to Christmas day.” -Natasha, Women in the Home

A Sense of the Resurrection SMALL GROUP LICENSE

To use A Sense of the Resurrection as a curriculum in your homeschool co-op, classroom, Sunday school, small group or other multiple-kid setting, buy the small group license to print as many copies of the templates for your students as needed. This would also be for those times you’re only using a few lessons for a special event.

Note: If you want to print multiple lessons/days/devotions for the kids and families in your organization to take home or are giving the entire book (digital or printed), please purchase individual ebooks in bulk.

Privacy Policy

Effective date: November 29, 2018

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