Mason Jar Advent Calendar

Mason Jar Advent Calendar from

I know it’s the week of Thanksgiving but it’s all Christmas carols and gift secrets in our house this week. I decided to get a head start on our Truth in the Tinsel activities by making an advent calendar from mason jars. It’s not so much of an Advent Calendar as creative way to hold all my craft supplies.

If you’re new to Truth in the Tinsel, here’s how it works…

Advent Calendar Mason Jars

Included in the book are small clues for each day’s theme and ornament. You can print, cut out and hide the clue inside an existing advent calendar or use the included printable paper chain. Your kids listen for the clue as you read the passage of Scripture. When they hear the clue (or something close to it), they can shout it out and that will lead you to crafting your ornament.

I’m pretty sure we’ll still be using our box advent calendar for the clues. But I thought it would be fun to house the craft supplies inside these cute jars! So, after we read the Scripture we can go straight to the jars and find what we need.

Here’s how you can make your own mason jar advent calendar. It’s so easy it barely needs a tutorial, but I made one anyway…

Mason Jar Advent Calendar

1. Measure your jar. Mine ranged from 3.5-5.5 inches.

Mason Jar Advent Calendar

2. Cut adorable Christmas scrapbook paper to correct size for your jar.

Mason Jar Advent Calendar

3. Roll up paper and drop into jar.

Mason Jar Advent Calendar

4. Voila!

Mason Jar Advent Calendar

5. Drop your supplies inside & wait for the craftiness to begin!

I added numbers to the front of my jars (see first picture above), but you don’t have to do that. You could cut out the clues and tape those to the front. Or just drop the clue inside each jar if you didn’t want to add the craft supplies. You could even set the jars up all over the house instead of in a row. It could be like a scavenger hunt. They are just so cute and easy, you could do all sorts of fun stuff with them!

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So, what kind of advent calendar will you be using with Truth in the Tinsel?


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